
Skilled Futures - Events & Camps

The Skilled Futures series offers junior and senior high students an opportunity to immerse themselves in a variety of skilled trades and technologies through a collection of camps, workshops, and other interactive and educational programs. Skilled Futures Events are hosted at training facilities and schools across the province from throughout the year.

If you are interested in learning more about the Skilled Futures series or other events in your region, please contact our Operations Manager, Laura King.

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Skilled Futures Events

Skilled Futures events offer a number of different workshops, in a variety of skilled trades and technologies, all with a hands-on interactive approach to learning. If you’re unsure about your future career path, a Skilled Futures event is an opportunity to discover your interests!


An Event for Every Audience

There is a Skilled Futures event for everyone. These one-day career exploration events focus on a variety of skilled trade and technology careers over many different sectors that are in demand and underrepresented.

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Did you attend a Skilled Futures event this school year?



Funding is available to assist schools with substitute coverage and travel costs. Please submit your claim within 45 days following the event.


Please share your feedback about the event with us so that we can continue to improve and offer you and your students valuable experiences.