Abilympics Showcase and Competition
The Abilympics Showcase and Competition are a new pilot program as part of the Nova Scotia Skills Competition. They are designed to offer persons with disabilities the chance to demonstrate their unique talents and skills in a relaxed and accessible competition setting.
This pilot program is being run in collaboration with the NSCC Achieve Program (Sydney Waterfront, Strait Area, Akerley, Truro & IT campuses), as well as Building Futures, The Prescott Group , STEPs on Arthur & SMU’S Access Ability Program. This pilot program will run alongside the Nova Scotia Skills Competitions at NSCC Akerley Campus in March 2025 and NSCC’s Sydney Waterfront Campus in April 2025.
About the Abilympics
The Abilympics is held every four years and aims to provide persons with disabilities the opportunity to showcase their skills in an international competition setting.
The 10th International Abilympics Competition took place in Metz, France in March 2023. Five competitors from Nova Scotia represented Team Canada and came home with four bronze medals. Their incredible success inspired this pilot program.
Worldskills Finland will host the Abilympics Competition in Helsinki in May 2027.

Showcase and Competition Areas
Listed below are the 2025 Abilympics showcase and competition areas that you can register for.
Friday, March 28, 2025
Friday, April 11, 2025
What makes a photograph stand out from the rest? Use technical skills and your creative eye to explore a theme and capture the world as you see it.
Floral Arrangement
Friday, March 28, 2025
Get in tune with nature and showcase your artistic eye and creativity and learn to design your own Floral arrangements.
Job Search
Friday, March 28, 2025
Unleash your potential in the ‘Job Search’ zone, where you’ll work to master the art of landing your dream job with expert tips, tools, and strategies!
Abilympics Showcase Registration

Rules & Regulations
The Abilympics Showcase and Competition is open to any person with a disability aged 16 years or older who is enrolled in either programming with The Prescott Group, STEPs on Arthur, or the NSCC Achieve Program (NSCC Akerley, Truro, & IT Campuses).
Participants must be a resident of Nova Scotia.
Participants must have completed and submitted a signed release form or have had a form submitted on their behalf by a parent or guardian if under the age of 19.
Each competition area has a limited number of registration spaces. Registrations are processed on a lottery basis, meaning that if more than one person from a single organization applies to a competition area than a name will be chosen blindly and at random to fill the spot. There will be a minimum of one space available for each of the organizations partnered with this pilot programme (NSCC Achieve, The Prescott Group , STEPs on Arthur , Building Futures & SMU’s Access Ability).
Participants are eligible to apply for travel reimbursement to and from their contest location. For more information and to apply for travel reimbursement please refer to the Travel Reimbursement Form.
Skills Canada – Nova Scotia awards gold, silver and bronze medals for each competition area. The individual achieving the highest score is awarded the gold medal. The individual achieving the second highest score is awarded the silver medal, and the third highest scoring individual is awarded the bronze medal.
Questions & Answers
The Abilympics Showcase pilot is free to participate in. There is no registration fee for this program. SCNS will reimburse some of the costs of travel to/from the showcase as well as some approved training supplies. You can access the form here: Nova Scotia Skills Abilympics – Travel & Expenses Reimbursement Form
As this is a pilot program, winners of the Abiympics showcase pilot will not be able to progress to the 2025 Skills Canada National Competition. We hope to be able to offer a pathway for participants to attend the National Competition in the future.
Additional Accessibilty Programming
At Skills Canada – Nova Scotia, we believe that everyone should have equal access to our programs, competitions and opportunities. To learn more visit to our Accessibility Services page