Skills Canada – Nova Scotia (SCNS) is excited to take a team of 5 talented individuals to the 10th International Abilympics in France this March. The Abilympics, also known as the “Olympics of Abilities”, is a competition in skilled trades and technologies for persons with disabilities. This will be the third time Nova Scotia will be sending competitors to this prestigious event and is the sole province representing Canada.

Nova Scotian competitors will be competing in Team Cooking, Welding, Electrical Installations, and Photography. SCNS has paired each competitor with a skilled coach, and they have been training for their events since the fall. The skills they are learning will not only help them in the competition but will help them to find employment in the future.
The competitors from Nova Scotia are:
Andrew Thorne – Team Cooking – Halifax (South End)
Liam Crane – Team Cooking – Sackville
Jennifer Richardson – Photography – Halifax (North End)
Hadia Bedoui – Electrical Installations – Halifax (West End)
Alishia Macrae – Welding – Dartmouth
“The Abilympics is an incredible event that allows the focus to be on the skills and abilities of the competitors, rather than the disability,” said Courtney Gouthro, Executive Director of SCNS. “Having a disability doesn’t mean that you can’t follow your passion and excel in your trade. Our competitors are going to demonstrate that on the world stage.”
SCNS was pleased to collaborate with Prescott Group and Women Unlimited to select competitors to be part of Team Canada. “We, at Prescott Group, are so grateful to be partnering with Skills Canada – Nova Scotia to showcase the skills of our participants in this prestigious, international competition,” said Alice Evans, Executive Director of Prescott Group. “Not only is the competition in France a life-changing opportunity for the people taking part, – the whole process is a wonderful example of inclusivity. We hope it will help people see that when we work together we can overcome barriers, and build inclusive communities where we can all live our best lives.”

SCNS is a non-profit organization that provides youth the opportunity to explore careers in skilled trades and technologies. We do this by offering programs and events in skilled trades and technologies throughout the province. The 10th International Abilympics will take place in Metz, France from March 23-25. Canada is one of 24 participating countries.
Participation in the 2023 Abilympics is possible thanks to the generous partnership with the Government of Nova Scotia – Department of Advanced Education – Post Secondary Accessibility Services. The coaching of competitors has been supported by NSCC, Prescott Group, and independent professionals.